Government buildings and facilities are diverse in their function, age and condition, and present both challenges and opportunities in their management and maintenance.
Energy efficiency and security are among the most important operational considerations, and Airmaster has long been instrumental in reducing energy consumption and associated costs at sites we maintain and manage.

Providing an operationally efficient, sustainable environment
Through the application of our deep technical knowledge base, all-inclusive site-specific assessments, compliance-based auditing, data driven maintenance and asset management, Airmaster has a strong track record on identifying undiscovered operational savings in Government properties while meeting the longer term needs of the facility.
Features of our Government offering:

Airmaster's Reconciliation
Action Plan
Airmaster's support of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities has seen the company embark on a reconciliation journey accumulating in a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). In mid-2018 Airmaster held comprehensive cultural awareness programs and Welcome to Country / Acknowledgement of Country Ceremonies main branches. Airmaster's RAP prepared under the Reconciliation Australia framework sets out several actions that will help us to build a better, more supportive relationship with Australia's First Peoples.
Our Government
