The University of Tasmania has announced the recipients of the 2016 Airmaster Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering.

Dylan Veldhuis is currently undertaking his second year of study of a Bachelor of Engineering in Hobart and achieved a high distinction average in 2015.
Jeremy Robinson is currently undertaking his third year of study of a Bachelor of Engineering in Hobart and achieved distinction average in 2015.
Airmaster congratulates both Dylan and Jeremy and wish them well for the remainder of their studies.
Dylan and Jeremy join Conor Yemm, the 2015 recipient of the Airmaster Scholarship.
The University of Tasmania is committed to rewarding excellence and improving access to higher education. More than 900 awards and scholarships are offered each year.
The University’s scholarship program provides students with significant financial and academic support to study at the University of Tasmania. Awards are offered across all disciplines, and to commencing and current students studying at undergraduate, honours, postgraduate and research levels.